In-house Competitions

YRC currently hosts three in-house competitions. These events are held under competition-like conditions for experience, but are only for YRC members, and are training events only – you will not accrue any points on your HRCAV cards with places in these events.

As well as giving members the opportunity to perhaps try out a particular discipline for the first time, or compete for the first time ever in a familiar and friendly environment, they are designed to be fun team events with a great presentation night at the end of the year!

The Wangaratta Saddleworld Shield

Sponsored by Wangaratta Saddleworld, the Saddleworld Shield is YRC’s members’ only dressage competition, and is also our longest running in-house competition. It is a fantastic opportunity for those starting out in dressage, or wanting to push on to a higher level, to have a crack at competing while in a safe, familiar and friendly environment.

The Shield is run over four rounds which are held over three days over the year. Round one and two consist of one test, with the opportunity to ride a second test HC at the same level or one level higher. On round three and four we ride two “official” tests on the one day.

Riders compete both in teams of four and also as individuals. You can put together your own team, or submit your entry and request to be placed in a team (there is no requirement to be part of a team – you can just compete as individual if you prefer). Scores accumulate over the four rounds, and culminate in a terrific presentation night where the overall team and individual champions are crowned, along with the individual level winners.

For both teams and individuals, scores are based on percentages. For individuals, the percentage scores of your three best rounds are added together, and the highest score wins. For teams, for each round, the three highest percentage scores of their four riders are counted.

The NorMac Cup

Sponsored by NorMac Baranduda and only in its third year, the NorMac Cup is YRC’s in house, members’ only showjumping competition. It’s a great place to get a feel for competing in showjumping, in your own club arena with supportive friends and members around!

Like the Shield, the NorMac Cup runs over three days throughout the year. At each round individuals compete in two different classes, so you are guaranteed a minimum of two rounds plus possible jump offs. We also use different classes each round to give members as much exposure as possible to the different styles and rules of showjumping classes.

As with the Shield, riders compete in teams of four and also as individuals. The scoring is a little more complex than the Shield, but is based on jackpot scoring, and a winning team, individual champion and level winners are determined over the three rounds.

3PE Competition

We had our first ever in-house 3PE Competition in 2022, once again run under official rules and conditions but as a training event only. At this stage the 3PE competition is a one day event for individuals, not teams. Check out the Events Calendar for details

Official Competitions

YRC currently hosts three official competitions. These events are held as official HRCAV events, and are open to both YRC members and HRCV members from other clubs. Check the HRCAV calendar of events here

Dressage Jackpot

14-15th October 2023

Show Jumping Jackpot

17th February 2023

Winter Woolies

27th August 2023